Chapter 195

Chapter 195.

Part 1.

They are carried in the waves, the raft which they managed to grab at the last moment barely carrying them. after a while of being pushed around here and there, they end up on a rock and lose their raft in the process. they have to scramble for the purchase on this rock, but once they do, they get on top of it and remain there.

They have remained on this rock for eight hours, and after resting, and seeing the sun rising in the sky, they are all awake and yet remain badly shaken by yesterday’s events. “We need to get off this rock.” Hatori is arguing, “We don’t know how long we can stay here; the water will drown us sooner or later.”

“I agree.” Said Josh. “Besides, there is no food or anything for us here to survive long-term.”

“But how are we going to do this?” asked Praduman.

“We will have to conjure something.” Said Hatori.

“We can’t conjure a ship.” Said Avinash. “None of us are that powerful. I doubt even Porus could do it.”

“But we don’t have to get a full ship, just a raft big enough to carry us,” said Hatori. “We can easily do that if we pool our power together.”

“Fine. Let’s try this.” Said Avinash.

They join hands, and by pooling their magic together, they try to conjure up a raft, somewhat like the one that carried them to this rock. Unfortunately, the spell fizzles out before producing any result.

Hatori is disappointed. He thought this would work, and it would prove to be a way to get to some safer location than this. “Don’t feel bad,” said Avinash. “It was a great suggestion. We’re just shaken badly, and can’t focus properly, that’s why it failed.”

“Yeah, we’ll try again after resting for a few hours.” Said Shin.

Part 2.

“Is he alive?” asked one guard.

“Yeah, and be quiet. He can hear you.” said another guard.

He did not make any motion that he heard their conversation. “To remain alive after that beating, they truly make them different in Scythia.”

“Yeah, they do.” Said the second guard. “But he is about to be unmade. The king is going to kill him for resisting him.”

They are bringing him to another room, likely to shift him to some more secure location. But he will not give them any chances. While he has been left alone, his runes worked overtime to repair his body. it is not a complete recovery, but it is good enough to escape here. with a snap, the straps come undone, and the guards turn around in alarm.

But it is too late. With two precise spells, he blasts both of their hearts out, and then Dimitri starts to find his way out of this place. Anyone who gets in his way is treated as hostile and quickly eliminated, and by the time he escapes the building, it is nothing but a burning wreckage.

‘I must find my students.’ Is the only thought in his head as he leaves the trail of destruction behind.

Later, King Albus comes to watch the destruction left behind and blanched in fear. “Find him,” he said, barely choking out these words. “Find him, and kill him!”

He cannot let such a dangerous mage wander around his country, especially in such a delicate time.

Part 3.

Just as they thought, after resting for a few hours, in the middle of the day, they tried to conjure a raft for themselves to leave this rock. They have been lucky enough that the sun is not shining harshly, or it has not started to rain, because there is no place to hide from either of those things on this rock.

The attempt fizzles out once again, and apart from a few sparks, there is nothing to show for their effort. Not even Avinash has to offer some words of encouragement. Disappointed by their failed effort, the entire team huddles close up and falls asleep. The cold air makes them shiver, but that is not enough to keep them awake, as they are exhausted beyond their limits.

Not only they have given two solid tries to conjure a large object, but they have not recovered from the previous day’s events yet, and haven’t eaten for a full day by this point. all of this is enough for them to ignore the cold wind, and try to get as much sleep as they can get.

Hatori wakes up, not being able to stay asleep for too long. He sensed something at the edge of his awareness. In the middle of the sea, it could be anything from an animal or a creature, to perhaps a ship passing by.

Hoping it is not some kind of sea monster, he extracts himself from the embrace of Shin and Josh, and moves to the corner to see what it is. he is glad to find out that it is not some sea monster. In fact, it is a floating ship, but Hatori does not sense any human presence on it. the fact that it is not drowning despite that is a bonus in his opinion.

“Hey, wake up guys!” he said to them. “We have a chance to leave this place.”

“What up?” asked Avinash, not fully awake.

“There’s a ship. Josh, come help me up already!” said Hatori, trying to drag the ship to their rock.

Waking up with a startled yelp, Josh moves to help him. together, they manipulate the water, and through carefully directed waves, they push the ship to their rock. Once it is close enough, they admire it from close. It may not be the most luxurious ship, but currently, it might very well be the most luxurious boat.

“Do you think it is safe for us?” asked Tom.

“Given  it is floating without humans safely, I do think so.” Said Avinash. “Besides, it is a risk we need to take if we wish to escape this rock.”

“I say we should take this ship.” Said Daphne, and others nodded in agreement.

They pile onto the ship, and despite their added weight, it does not sink at all. Avinash scans the length for any damage, and after finding none, he breathes a sigh of relief. “What are we going to do for water?” asked Shin, already feeling his voice croak due to the lack of water.

Hatori brings up some water from the sea and filters it with some spells. though the water is still somewhat salty, it is safe for them to drink. After drinking as much as they can, they all go to sleep, and Josh who was steering the ship while Hatori filters the water for them, leaves it to float around just like it did before. Hopefully, they will not be at the bottom of the sea by the time they wake up.

Part 4.

Dimitri moved fast. He has no choice but to do so, as the men of the king are after him, and he will not be able to avoid them for too long. Acquiring a paper, he learns that the boys were sent home on a ship through sea, which sank. This did not sound right to Dimitri, as a ship in the sea when fully enchanted, can only be drowned by some sea monster, or if a battle breaks out over it.

Porus has already left, so he must track down the boys himself. He stole a lot of money from the people whom he left behind dead, and though it was not enough to pay for the boat, the man gave up the vessel due to his threats.

Now he must track down his team, and find a way to return them back home safely. He is not worried about anyone tracking him in the sea. True, his escape is a big matter, but the Albion king is going to have some bigger troubles in his hands. so, Dimitri is not worried about being tracked down and captured.

Besides, once he crosses the Albion waters, they will have no jurisdiction over him. given the time that passed between the ship leaving and sinking, Dimitri is certain it is somewhere near the Gallia. So, he makes his way to those waters, hoping for the safety of his team.

Part 5.

The next day, the teens wake up. they have not eaten for two days, though having some water has improved the mood a little. They go around the ship but do not find any map, or any identifying information about the previous owner of this ship.

“Looks like we have to follow the waves blindly.” Sighed Avinash.

“Yeah, looks like that,” said Shin. “Still, how the hell did this ship end up being abandoned?”

“I don’t think that is important for us to know.” Said Hatori, helping Tom and Josh in steering the ship. “The only thing which we should be concerned about is finding some island or something.”

“Agreed.” Said Ravina. “Besides, knowing the previous owners will not help us in getting out of this situation.”

Part 6.

Here’s an overview of the reaction all over the world to the chaos currently going on in the Subcontinent. Some of the monarchs especially in Asia consider it a chance of sorts, to occupy the position of the Subcontinent, while it is weakened. Others like Zuo Chi are worried, as chaos like this can easily spread in their own borders.

The rest of the world is still watching, waiting for the right moment to choose their action. The Subcontinent is rarely gripped in chaos at such a large scale, but whenever it has encountered these situations in the past, it has managed to come out better than before. So, the hopes among the allies are high, but others are actively looking for the chance to exploit.

In particular, they want to show their dominance in the ocean. For if they can do that, when the Subcontinent gets out of its power struggles, it has to bend to them if they manage to grab large portions of the ocean through their navies.

Part 7.

“Hey, look! I see the land.” Said Praduman.

They steer the ship towards it, and after getting close enough to make the jump, they get to the ground. To make sure that the ship does not float away, they tie it down with conjured steel chains.

“Now, to find some food. I am starving!” said Josh.

Immediately, many people surround them, demanding their surrender, while the entire team is experiencing a headache. “You just have to open your big mouth, don’t you?” grumbled Hatori.




Published by Tanish Shrivastava

I'm a guy who likes programming, chess, and writing.

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